
CHAPTER -1.                                                                                      


There is an increasing the inclination of chemical industries toward new processes that should meets requirement such as generation of nearly zero waste chemicals, less energy, and sufficient uses of product chemicals in various application. Hence the esterification is widely employed reaction in the organic process industry. The reaction is carried out between acetic acid and ethanol at with or without presence of different acid catalyst Under such specific condition’s. Ethyl acetate was first prepared in 1859 by the French Chemist; Charles Wurtz It was produced on a small scale during World War I as a coolant and as an ingredient in explosives. Ethyl acetate is the most popular ester from ethanol and acetic acid. It is manufactured on a large scale for use as a solvent. Ethyl acetate is a moderately polar solvent that has the advantages of being volatile, relatively non-toxic, and non-hygroscopic .Ethyl Acetate is an organic compound which is also known as, ethyl ethanoate, commonly abbreviated EtOAc or EA. Ethyl Acetate is primarily produced by direct esterification of ethyl alcohol (e.g. ethanol) with acetic acid, a process which involves mixing acetic acid with excess of ethyl alcohol and adding a small amount of sulphuric acid. This mixture contains about 65% of ester (EA). Then the EA is separated and purified by distillation in order to achieve commercial specification. This process considers as exothermic where the heat of reaction is -0.0114kJ/mole with no danger of Decomposition.
There are 9 units in the organized sector engaged in making ethyl acetate with the combined capacity of 5 lakh tons (see Table 1). Laxmi Organics, GNFC, Godavari Bio Refineries, Jubilant Life Science and IOL Chemicals are the major players having combined share of 73 percent of the total capacity.

Table 1: Installed Capacity for Ethyl Acetate in India in Tons per annum

The global ethyl acetate market is estimated to witness a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period. Asia-Pacific is expected to lead the market in both production as well as consumption during this period. Increasing investments and strong growth in the end-user industries, such as food & beverage, paints & coatings, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, plastics, packaging, etc. in the region is expected to drive the market.

Figure  1.1--Consumption pattern of EA in word

Global Market Outlook on Ethyl Acetate

The global demand of ethyl acetate is estimated at 3.7 MMT in 2016, expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5 percent until 2021.Asia has excess capacity, whereas North America and Europe are dependent on imports from Asia to cater the domestic Demand .Capacity–demand gap during 2016–2021 is expected to narrow down, as the capacity additions announced may not cater to the expected increase in demand. Global capacity is 4.7 MMT in 2016 indicating capacity utilisation of 79%.

Figure.1.2-Global Capacity of EA in world


Uses of Ethyl acetate

·         Ethyl acetate is most commonly used as a solvent (due to its dilution properties). 
·         As a high purity solvent, it is used in cleaning electric circuit boards and as a nail polish remover.
·           At a lower purity, it can be used as in printing, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, food, decaffeination of tea/coffee and a carrier solvent for herbicides. 
·          Ethyl acetate is also used in coating formulations for wood furniture, agricultural, construction equipment, mining equipment and marine uses.
·           It is also naturally produced in wine during the fermentation process. 
·          The main user end markets of these product are the electronics, cosmetic, printing, food and coatings industries.
·         Ethyl acetate is an important component in extractants for the concentration and purification of antibiotics. It is also used as an intermediate in the manufacture of various drugs.
·         Flavours and essences: Ethyl acetate finds extensive use in the preparation of synthetic fruit essences, flavours and perfumes.
·         Flexible packaging: Substantial quantities of ethyl acetate are used in the manufacture of flexible packaging and in the manufacture of polyester films. It is also used in the treatment of aluminium foils.
·         Miscellaneous: Ethyl acetate is used in the manufacture of adhesives, cleaning fluids, inks, nail-polish removers and silk, coated papers, explosives, artificial leather, photographic films & plates.

Figure 2--Consumption pattern of EA in India



The first thing that we need to do is understand what is Ester? Well, to answer that question, according to the common definition, It is basically a chemical compound that is derived from an organic or inorganic acid in which at least hydroxyl (-OH) group is replaced by an alkyl (-O-) group. To put it in simple terms, esters are the group of chemical compounds which are formed by bonding of an alcohol group with a group of organic acids, by losing water molecules
Esters are also usually derived from carboxylic acids. It may also be obtained by reaction of acid anhydrides or acid halides with alcohols or by reaction of salts of carboxylic acids with alkyl halides.

Uses of Esters

It is a sweet-smelling substance. Some of them are used as food flavorings and other esters are used as fragrances or perfumes. Apart from that, they can be turned into polymers dubbed as polyesters which can be used to make cans or plastic bottles.
Here are some of the other users of esters:
  • Esters that have fragrant odours are used as a constituent of perfumes, essential oils, food flavourings, cosmetics, etc
  • It is used as an organic solvent
  • Natural esters are found in pheromones.
  • Naturally occurring fats and oils are fatty acid esters of glycerol.
  • Nitrate esters, such as nitro-glycerin, are used in explosive materials.
  • Polyesters can be further converted into fibers to make clothing.
  • It is used to make surfactants E.g. soap, detergents

Esterification is a chemical reaction process between alcohol and carboxylic acid in the presence of catalyst that formed ester. This mixture converts to ester about 65% at room temperature. The commonly concentrated sulphuric acid is acting as a esterification catalyst to enhance the reaction. The sulphuric acid removes water to help shift the equilibrium towards forming more ester product. Water is a by- product and must be removed in order to get the equilibrium in the desired direction. This process is a simple process, well known reaction, and moderately exothermic where the heat or reaction, H is -0.0114kJ/mole with no danger of decomposition reaction. The optimum temperature for this reaction is in the range of 363 K – 400 K while the optimum pressure is in the range of 20 bar – 40 bar.
Ethanoic Acid +Acetic Acid → Ethyl Acetate + Water
The reaction between acetic acid and ethanol to produce ethyl acetate in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid .This process is released a few amount of heat to the surrounding and classified as exothermic reaction. This reaction is called a homogeneous liquid phase. Water is formed in the reaction is removed continuously to ensure maximum conversion of acetic acid. The catalyst can be heterogeneous and homogeneous. There are two categories of catalyst that can be used in this reaction, mineral acid catalyst and para toluene sulphuric acid or ion exchange resins can serve as heterogeneous catalyst.

1. Esterification (The Selected Pathway)
2. Tischenko Reaction
3. Addition of Ethylene and Acetic Acid
4. Dehydrogenation of Ethanol
5. Oxidation of Ethanol


• Reversible reaction
 • Remove water by-product to drive reaction to the right
Table 2.1- Advantages and Disadvantages of Esterification Process.
Ease of raw material availability
Ethanol conventional air pollutant
Non-toxic, less harmful raw materials
Water as waste product impeding reaction eventually
Less cost of catalyst

2CH3CHO (l)   Al(OR’)3    CH3COOCH2CH3 (l)
Two equivalents of acetaldehydes
Table 2.2.-Advantages and Disadvantages of Tishchenko Reaction Process.
• Raw material acetaldehyde is not costly

• Acetaldehyde is a very toxic substance

 • H2C = CH2+ CH3COOH (l)          HPA               CH3COOCH2CH3(l)
• Energy efficient, environmentally friendly

• Ethylene requires special safety and firefighting facilities


4. Oxidation of Ethanol

 • CHOH + 1/2O        Pd-Catalyst    CH3CHO + H2O
• CHCHO +1/2O           Pd-Catalyst     CH3COOH
• C2H5OH + CH3COOH        H+          CH3COOC2H5+H2O

Table 2.4-Advantages and Disadvantages of Oxidation of Ethanol.
• Availability of raw material ethanol
• Weak metal support interaction

• High risk of explosion requires larger reactor size and costs

5. Dehydrogenation of Ethanol
• Carried out in four process stages
• 2CHCHOH (g) →CH3COOCH2CH3(g) + 2H(g)
Table 2.5- Advantages and Disadvantages of Dehydrogenation of Ethanol.
Ethanol is easily available
 Complicated Unit Operations

Acetaldehyde has high toxicity

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.
Odour: Ethereal. fruity. (Slight.)
Taste: Bittersweet, wine-like burning taste
Molecular Weight: 88.11 g/mole
Colour: Colourless.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 77°C (170.6°F)
Melting Point: -83°C (-117.4°F)
Critical Temperature: 250°C (482°F)
Specific Gravity: 0.902 (Water = 1)
Vapour Pressure: 12.4 kPa (@ 20°C)
Vapour Density: 3.04 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odour Threshold: 3.9 ppm
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff. The product is more soluble in oil; log(oil/water) = 0.7              
lonicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, diethyl ether, acetone.
Solubility: Soluble in cold water, hot water, diethyl ether, acetone, alcohol, benzene.

Why Esterification is Chosen?

• Raw Material
• Safety, Health and Environment
• Utilities
• Simplicity of the Process
• Operating Conditions
• Conversion and Selectivity
• Raw Materials for Tishchenko Reaction cannot be found in Saudi Arabia
• Technology of dehydrogenation of ethanol is still developing
• Catalysts used in oxidation of ethanol are expensive despite the reaction gives highest profit
• Avada process has short reaction rate and depends highly on the performance of catalysts
• Avoid usage of Acetaldehyde as raw material as it is toxic and very harmful

Drawbacks and Improvements of Esterification Reaction

• Heterogeneous catalyst replaces homogeneous catalyst
 • Reactive Distillation is suggested for Esterification Reaction 
• Heuristic studies are conducted to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future

Reactive Distillation

• Shifting chemical equilibrium and thus results in an increase of conversion of raw material by simultaneous reaction and separation product.
• Suppression of side reaction and thus higher purity of desired product can be obtained.
• Utilization of heat of reaction (esterification is an exothermic reaction) for mass transfer operation.
• These features on the process can further lead to economic benefits which are shown below:
• Lower capital investment (reactive distillation combined both the function of reactor and distillation column)
• Lower energy cost (heat generated from the process in used as the mass transfer purpose)
• Higher product yield (Suppression of water by-Product  )

Types of Catalyst Used

Manufacture Ethyl acetate is produced by the esterification reaction of ethyl alcohol and acetic acid using catalysts such as sulphuric acid, para toluene sulphonic acid or ion exchange resins. Most of the production in India is based on sulphuric acid catalysis; very little acid is required, though corrosion is a problem if material of construction is not appropriate. There is small producers manufacture but the larger ones use continuous columns with a reboiler for the reaction. The water formed in the reaction (and also from the 95% alcohol used as raw material) is removed continuously. Conditions are such as to ensure maximum conversion of acetic acid, which is costlier than ethyl alcohol.

Clear, colourless liquid
Ester Contents
99.0(% by mass, min)
as acetic acid 0.01 (% by mass, Max)
Water content
0.1 (% by mass, Max)
Residue on evaporation
0.01(% by mass, Max)
Relative density
2/27°C 0.894 -0.898
Distillation range Shall distil within the (at 760 mm Hg), not less range of 76-78°C
 Than 95 % by volume

Raw Material:
Ø  Ethanol(C2H6)
Ø  Acetic Acid(CH3COOH)
Catalyst Used:-
Ø  Para-Toluene Sulfonic Acid (CH7H8O3S.H2O)
Ø  Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Reaction :-  CH3COOH + C2H5OH CH3COOC2H5 + H2O

The Manufacturing Process is divided into four section.

1.      Reaction Section

2.      Crude Distillation section

3.      Main Distillation Section

4.      Recovery Section

5.      Propyl Distillation Unit


Figure 3.1-Reaction section of Ethyl acetate

Process Description of Reaction Section :- This is the first section for the manufacturing of ethyl acetate. The raw materials (ethyl alcohol and acetic acid) are first fed to the CSTR-1 and then to the CSTR-2. Both these reactors are connected in series for increasing the conversion of ethyl acetate. The conversion in these reactors .generally achieved by the recirculation pumps connected at the bottom of reactor. The esterification reaction is carried out in the reactors, the catalyst (sulfuric acid/ PTSA) is charged in some little quantity to the reactor-1. This catalyst enhances the rate of production/ conversion of Ethyl acetate. The charging of catalyst is done by mixing it with some alcohol because PTSA normally found in powdery solid state. A special type of kettle called Dump Kettle is used in this section to separate the exhaust catalyst. This is a steam heated  system provided with the jacket around the kettle. The effluent from the CSTR-2 is further send to the crude distillation unit.

Parameter s :-

CSTR-1:- Temperature = 104-106°C
                  Pressure = 0.228 -0.248 kg/cm2
CSTR:-2 - Temperature. = 100- 102°C
                   Pressure= 0.03-0-035 Kg/cm2
 Dump Kettle  :- Temperature :- 120-125


Figure 3.2-Crude distillation unit of Ethyl acetate

Process Description of Crude distillation Section :- Here the crude from the CSTR-2 is further processed, to increase the conversion and purity of ethyl acetate, in two distillation column's arranged in parallel .The vapours from both the columns are either sent to the PHE (plate type heat exchanger) or to compa block (special type of Heat exchangers) where condensation of  vapours takes place with the help of either cooling water or with some other sources for achieving desired cooling of vapours. The condensate is collected in a receiver and sent to the decanter where separation based on density difference of different constituent present is achieved. The top layer of decanter contains 60-63% converted ethyl acetate which is refluxed to both the column's for increasing more purity. The bottom layer of Decanter contains water, and some little amount of alcohol, which is sent to the column-3 Some part of top layer is sent to the Extractor column and then to the main distillation section. The bottoms from both the column's is fed back to the CSTR-I. The bottoms are normally acetic acid

Parameters :

Column 1A :- Top temperature = 75-78
                       Top Pressure:-0 0.2-0.3 kg/cm2
                       Bottom temperature = 120-123°C
                       Bottom pressure =05-0.6kg/cm2
Column 1B :- Top Temperature = 78-80°C
                       Top Pressure=0:35-0.5 kg /cm2
                       Bottom temperature=120-122
                       Bottom Pressure=0.5-0.6kg/cm2
Decanter :      Temperature  = 118-123
                       Pressure = 1.75-1.77 kg/cm2


Figure 3.3-Main distillation unit of Ethyl acetate
Process Description of Main distillation section: - Crude from the top of decanter is sent for washing in Extractor column where washing is achieved with Demineralised water. This DM water absorbs the water content present in the feed and removed from the bottom and sent to the recovery section. The top of the extractor column is fed to the tray type distillation column (Column-2) where vacuum distillation is achieved with the help of vacuum pump. The top of this column is used as a reflux to the extractor column. The side draw is taken from column-2 and fed to the auxiliary column. Where pungent smell of product is removed by further treating with distillation column . The bottoms from the column-2 normally carried propyl acetate which is separately sent to the propyl column for achieving the separation of ethyl acetate from it. The product from auxiliary column is taken as a final product(Ethyl-acetate) with the purity of 97-98% of ethyl acetate and 0.002% water content and is stored in the Daily Storage Tank(DST)


Column-2:- Top Temperature= 46-48
                    Top Pressure= 460-470 mm Hg
                    Bottom Temperature=62-64
                   Pressure = 260-290mm Hg
Auxiliary Column :-  Top Temperature = 58-60
Main Vacuum Supply  :-600-620mm Hg


                                            RECOVERY SECTION UNIT

Figure.3.4-Recovery section of Ethyl acetate

Process Description of Recovery Section: The decanter bottom and Extractor bottom (mainly contain water) is fed to the column-3 where recovery of water generally take place and other chemicals (without water) are sent to the CSTR-1 for further purification. Column-3 operates under vacuum pressure. The top product of the column-3 goes to the PHE for condensation and the draw goes to Reactor-1.The bottom products normally Contains water which is sent to the drain tank with the help of centrifugal pump. The water from the drain tank is commonly used to generate Vacuum.


Top Temperature= 71-73
Bottom Temperature=100-103
Middle Top Temperature=81-83
Middle Bottom Temperature=98-100

Figure 3.5-Propyl Distillation Unit of Ethyl acetate
Process Description of Propyl Distillation Unit
The bottoms from the column-2 and bottoms from the auxiliary column normally carries propyl acetate which is separately sent to the propyl column for achieving the separation of ethyl acetate from it. The vapour from the top of the column is condensed by plate type heat exchanger (PHE) which is collected in a receiver. The vapour contains ethyl acetate. The some part of the condensate is send to the receiver and some part is reflux to the column. The bottom product of the propyl distillation unit is re-heated by heat-exchanger to improve the purity of product and contain propyl acetate in separate storage tank as a by-product.
Parameters affecting the yield and conversion of ethyl acetate:-

Crude distillation column middle –top temperature:- The middle- top temperature in both the column should maintained in between 78-82  . By doing so, conversion  as well as yield of ethyl acetate increases because, at this temperature high boiling point components condense and goes to the bottom and thus increases the quantity of low boiling point component in the top product.

Main distillation column vacuum:- The top vacuum of the main distillation column should be kept at 459-470 mm Hg . Because at this vacuum, proper cooling and heating requirement are archived. Increase in vacuum will create the problem on cooling vapour. Better conversion is achieved at this vacuum

Level and Residence time in the Reactor :- Normally CSTR should be filled 70-75% of its total Volume . It can be increased up to ±5% to increase the yield. The residence time in these reactors can be taken as 6-8 seconds. The conversion can also be increased by employing the agitator in the reactor along with circulating pump.

Cooling water and Chilled water temperature :-  The cooling water temperature must be around 25-28  in summer for the efficient cooling of the vapours in the heat exchangers. With increase in cooling water temperature, the cooling problem occurs in the heat exchangers and system starts venting. High capacity cooling water pump should be used. If proper cooling temperature is maintained, yield will definitely increase to a great extent.

Quantity of catalyst :-  For 150 tone/day production required 90 kg of p-toulene sulfonic acid as a catalyst to promote the esterification of reaction . The quantity of catalyst can be increased or decreased  to effect more better conversion and yield of ethyl acetate. Proper removal of traces of catalyst from drum kettle increased the purity of the product. The p-toluene sulfonic acid is better than sulfuric acid because it will promote better conversion of H+ ions  .




 There are two basic approaches used in distillation column design, namely, design and rating. The former approach involves the design of a new column to determine the column diameter and height required to achieve a specified separation. This approach utilizes stage-to-stage calculations for determining the number of equilibrium stages. The rating approach involves the retrofit of an existing column in which the column diameter and height are fixed and the flow capacity and separation are to be determined. Since the rating approach has convergence advantages, it is most often used in computer algorithms which do stage-to-stage calculations.
In the design of a new column or rating of an existing one, many design engineers obtain final designs and price quotes from equipment vendors. However, to evaluate such vendor responses, a preliminary design should be made. Accordingly, the procedures involved in the design of a distillation column are summarized in and briefly outlined with supporting equations in this section of the chapter.
·         Designation of Design Bases The first step in the design procedure is to establish the composition and physical properties of the feed and products, the feed rate, and any special limitations placed on the separation. The latter could include maximum temperature and pressure drop restrictions, presence of toxic materials or reactive components, etc.
·         Selection of Design Variables The second step involves selecting adequate design variables. The operating pressure is generally the first variable to be addressed. An increase in operating pressure is often reflected by an increase in separation difficulty, an increase in reboiler and condenser temperatures, an increase in vapour density, and a decrease in the latent heat of vaporization. As the pressure is lowered, these effects are reversed. The lower limit is often set by the desire to avoid vacuum operation and use of external refrigeration for the condenser because of capital and operating cost penalties. It is usually adequate, if process constraints permit, to fix the operating pressure at as low a pressure above ambient that permits cooling water or air cooling to be used in the condenser. In other words, the operating pressure should be selected so that the bubble point of the overhead product is at least 5 to 10°C above the summer cooling water temperature , or to atmospheric pressure if the latter would introduce vacuum operation.

Select operating condition          

Obtain or develop equilibrium data

Calculate equilibrium stage or transfer units

Select column internals

Establish separation basis

Calculate column height

Calculate column diameter


             Random Packing                                                          Standard Packing

                                              Tray type

Calculate column height

Calculate column diameter

Calculate column diameter

Calculate column height


Procedure step involve in the design of a distillation column
Determination of Number of Equilibrium Stages Even though shortcut and stage-by-stage methods for calculating the number of equilibrium stages are available in many commercial computer software programs, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals involved to determine whether the computer results are realistic. Of the shortcut methods, the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland method is the most widely used. To determine the number of equilibrium stages, first the minimum number of stages and the minimum reflux must be evaluated. The minimum number of stages N min is obtained from the Fenske relations
                                           In[(xLK/xHK)p(xHK/XLK) B]
                            N min = ------------------------------------------------
                                                     In(ά LK/HK) av

Where:- xLk is the mole fraction of the light key
              Xux the mole fraction of the heavy key
          (ά LK/HK)av the average geometric relative volatility of the light key to the heavy key,
 while the subscripts D and B refer to the distillate and bottom products, respectively
·         Selection of Column Internals At this point the designer must make a selection based on performance and cost whether a tray, random packing, or structural packing is best for the separation process being considered. Typically, trays are favored when the operating pressure and liquid flow rate are high and when the column diameter is large. Random packings are more often recommended when the column diameter is small, corrosion and foaming are present, or batch columns are to be used. Structural packings, on the other hand, are considered for low-pressure and vacuum operation. Additionally, they are often selected when low pressure drop across the column is required or low liquid holdup is desired.
·         Sieve, valve, and bubble-cap trays are examples of traditional crossflow trays. The development of newer trays over the past decade to provide improved performance has been significant. Descriptions of some of these newer trays, including the Nye,TM Max-Frac,TM some of the improved multiple-down-comer trays, such as ECMB and EEMD, as well as the Ultra-Frac, TM P-K,TM and Trutna trays, are presented by Humphrey and Keller.
·         Figure provides a cross-sectional view of a traditional distillation column in operation showing an example of a sieve, valve, and bubble-cap tray. Of these tray types, the sieve tray is the choice in many distillation separations since its tray fundamentals

Figure 4.1-cross-sectional view of a finite-stage contactor column in operation sieve tray, a valve tray bubble cap tray
·        Random Packing
Figure 4.2-Various type of Packing

Table.4.1-Geometry and efficiency of several random packing
Types of packing
Void fraction
Surface area per volume,m²/m³
Approx. HETP,m
25-mm Ceramic Raschig rings

25-mm Ceramic Intalox saddles

25-mm Ceramic Berl saddles

25-mm Plastic Pall rings

25-mm Metal Pall rings

50-mm Norpac

50-mm Highflow® rings


Table.4.2-Geometry and HETP of several structured packings

Types of packing
Void fraction
Surface area per volume,m²/m³
Approx. HETP,m
Intalox 2T (Norton)
Flexipac® 1 (Koch)
Flexipac® 2 (Koch)
Gempak 4A (Glitsch)
Gempak 2A (Glitsch)

·         Diameter Evaluation for Columns with Sieve Trays Determination of the column diameter first requires calculation of the net vapour (gas) velocity at flood conditions Vf in the column from

 The initial procedures for designing a new distillation column are similar when either a tray column or a packed column is selected for the separation process. Differences in the design calculations become apparent when the column diameter and height need to be established. Accordingly, the following will describe the design procedures associated with the diameter and height aspects of those columns utilizing random packing.
·         Diameter Evaluation for Columns with Random Packing; In contrast to distillation columns with trays, performance in packed columns is strongly affected by both liquid and vapour rates in the column. Not only is flow limited, but at high throughputs the gas flow impedes the liquid flow, which can eventually lead to flooding of the column. Thus, packed columns also operate at a vapour velocity that is 70 to 90 percent of the flooding velocity. A simplified shortcut method that has been the standard of the industry for several decades utilizes the generalized pressure drop correlation chart originally developed by Sherwood and improved by several other investigators.

·             Height Evaluation for Columns with Random Packing :-
Determination of the height of packing required in a column to achieve a specific separation involves use of either the height of a transfer unit (HTU) or the height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) approach. To obtain the total height using the first approach also requires one to evaluate the number of transfer units (NTU) to satisfy the relation
Z = (HTU)(NTU)
where Z is the total height of the mass-transfer zone. HTU and NTU are defined as
HTU =       
Where  is the molar flow rate of vapour
KG the overall mass-transfer coefficient
 ac the area of interfacial contact between the liquid and vapour phase per unit volume of contactor.
 Ac the cross-sectional area of the column,
 y the mole fraction of the component in the vapour phase
 y* the mole fraction of the component in the vapour phase that would be in equilibrium with that component in the liquid phase.

·         Diameter Evaluation for Columns with Structured Packing :- A procedure similar to that used for determining the diameter of a column with random packing may be used to obtain the column diameter with structured packing. If is used to obtain the cross-sectional area of the column, the designer will need to obtain a suitable packing factor from the vendor for the structured packing selected. Another procedure, developed by Kister and Gill, involves calculating the pressure drop over a unit length of the column under flood conditions. A correlation, similar in format to, is used to determine the flood velocity in columns with structured packing. The operating velocity in the column is designated as a fraction of the flood velocity. The cross-sectional area of the column is then obtained by dividing the volumetric flow rate of the vapour by the operating velocity. Column diameter is obtained from D = (4Ac/T)1/2.
·         Height Evaluation for Columns with Structured Packing:- The total height of packing required to achieve a specific separation again necessitates determination of HTU and HETP. Several options are available. A rule of thumb for quick estimation of HETP for structured packing has been presented by Harrison and Frances
HETP = +0.10

As noted earlier, rating a distillation column can entail either examining performance under new operating conditions or determining whether a retrofit of an existing column with perhaps improved column internals could prove to be economically attractive For example, Humphrey and Seibert have shown that in vacuum distillation, the re. placement of sieve trays with structured packing with its increased capacity is a good return on the investment. The steps involved in the rating of  a distillation column are not unlike those used in the design of a new distillation column. The first step must carefully detail the objective of the rating study and provide precise information about the column including existing internal hardware. Accurate information must also be available about feed composition, rates, and physical properties. Equilibrium data must be obtained from experimental or literature sources. If none are available, such data will have to be developed by using commercially available software programs.
If the internal configuration of the column is not to be modified, the next step is to calculate the number of equilibrium stages required for the new design specifications. However, if the objective is to increase the capacity or the purity of the product, the internal configuration will probably have to be changed. For example, improved purity could be achieved by removing sieve trays and replacing them with commercial structured packing with smaller spacing’s between packing elements. Calculation of the equilibrium stages can be initiated once the column modifications have been finalized.
Next, the designer must establish if the diameter of the existing column is adequate to handle the new vapour and liquid rates. The procedures for evaluating the required diameter of the column are similar to those described for the design of a new column. Likewise, the procedures for evaluating the required height of the column are similar to those discussed earlier. If the resulting values of column diameter and height match those for the existing column, the proposed separation can be achieved. Obviously, if the required diameter and height are larger than those available for the existing column, modifications will have to be made either in the separation objectives or in the column configuration and operation.

Batch Distillation:- Most distillation processes operate in a continuous fashion, but there is a growing interest in batch distillation, particularly in the food, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. The advantage of this separation process is that the distillation unit can be used repeatedly, after cleaning, to separate a variety of products. The unit generally is quite simple, but because concentration are continually changing, the process is more difficult to control single-stage distillation, like that shown in Fig. it is assumed that the vapour and liquid are in equilibrium. If L' is the number of moles of liquid in the column at any given time and dL' is the differential amount vaporized, a material balance on component i yields L’X; = (L’ - dL) (X; - dx;) + (Yi + dyi)dL’
Neglecting products of differentials and integrating over the change in L' from the initial to the final condition and from the initial to the final concentration of liquid establishes the Rayleigh equation for batch distillation, given as

Figure 5-Simple Distillation
where L and L, are the initial and final moles of liquid in the column, respectively: xil and Xi2 are the initial and final mole fractions of component i in the column, respectively: and x, and y, are the mole fractions of component i in the liquid and vapour, respectively, during the batch distillation process. If the mixture to be separated is a binary one and equilibrium data are available, the vapour mole fraction can be expressed in terms of x; and dij, the relative volatility between components i and j.


This project report presents an overview of recent developments in the production of ethyl acetate, including the suitable preparation methods and their potential applications in various fields. We have gone through the study of esterification reaction used for the production of ethyl-acetate and the possible methods for the proper utilization of the ester thus formed. We have also studied the other possible reactions by which it can be manufactured, but as a result it has been concluded that esterification is the most promising pathway for the effective production of ethyl acetate. Two commonly used catalysts are used. Para-toluene sulfonic acid (PTSA) and Sulfuric acid.
According to the researcher’s by R&D departments, PTSA is the best type of catalyst used for increasing the reaction rate without much losses. Industrial as well as lab scale production is discussed but we have mainly focused on its industrial production. While studying its industrial production process, we have studied the various mass transfer equipment (such as distillation column, extractors), Heat transfer equipments (such as shell and tube heat exchangers, Plate heat exchangers, reboiler), fluid machinery (like centrifugal pump, vacuum pumps, pneumatic control-valves), Instruments (such as temperature indicators, pressure transmitters, level recorder) . and the unit for chemical reaction b/w acid and alcohol in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). 
Different kinds of distillation column are used for its production including vacuum distillation, atmospheric pressure distillation and steam distillation. The various parameters affecting the yield and purity of ethyl acetate are discussed in  brief in this report such as temperature of reactors should be maintained between 100  to 105  , crude distillation main top temperature must be 78  and the cooling water temperatures should be as low as possible.
A brief study on the designing of distillation column used for the production of ethyl acetate, have also been studied which mainly includes the designing of various types of distillation columns (such as batch column, sieve tray column, packed columns) by using different designing relations and formula's.
- This project shows the core application of chemical engineering as it involves the study of subject’s like heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical reaction engineering, process instrumentation, fluid mechanics and plant utilities.


1.       NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. "#0260"National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
2.       ethyl acetate MSDS".
3.       "Ethyl acetate". Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Concentrations (IDLH). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
4.      Riemenschneider, Wilhelm; Bolt, Hermann M., "Esters, Organic", Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, doi:10.1002/14356007.a09_565.pub2
5.       Dutia, Pankaj (August 10, 2004). "Ethyl Acetate: A Techno-Commercial Profile" (PDF). Chemical Weekly: 184. Retrieved 2009-03-21.
6.       Misono, Makoto (2009). "Recent progress in the practical applications of heteropolyacid and perovskite catalysts: Catalytic technology for the sustainable society". Catalysis Today. 144 (3–4): 285–291. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2008.10.054.
7. Archived 2007-04-29 at the Wayback Machine
8.       Hazard Ethyl Acetate MSDS "Ethyl Acetate MSDS Number: E2850".
9.       Mackison, F. W.; Stricoff, R. S.; Partridge, L. J., Jr., eds. (Jan 1981). NIOSH/OSHA – Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 81–123. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
10.   Clayton, G.D.; Clayton, F.E., eds. (1993–94). Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology (4th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. p. 2981.
11.  Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 1983, p. 782

Book’s:- Unit Operation in Chemical engineering by McCabe smith,
     Plant Design and economics for chemical engineer by-McGraw hills 
     Mass Transfer Operations by Treybal.



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